Czechoslovaks in the Gulag
Documentation of political repression in the Soviet Union
Czechoslovaks in the Gulag
Project info
History of repression
The Trial of the Czech teachers 1931
The Great Terror in Ukraine 1937–1938: persecution of the Czech minority
From Nisko to the Gulag, 1939–1940
The 3.1.1942 amnesty
The 20.11.1942 amnesty
NKVD/KGB files
Documentary film
Media coverage
V. Bystrov’s Encyclopedia of the Gulag
Photo gallery
Before Solzhenitsyn
Memorial database of victims
Last Address
Gulag online
The work of Mečislav Borák
European Memories of the Gulag
About the project
History of repression in the USSR
Victims of repression in the USSR
The Czech teachers trial 1931
The Great Terror in Ukraine
From Nisko to the Gulag, 1939
The 3.1.1942 amnesty
The 20.11.1942 amnesty
NKVD/KGB documents
Documentary film
Media coverage
Encyclopedia of the Gulag
Photo gallery
Before Solzhenitsyn
Memorial database of victims
Last Address
Gulag online
The work of Mečislav Borák
European Memories of the Gulag
The Sovietisation of Russia and reinforcement of Bolshevik power in the interwar period
Vladimír Bláha (1893–1943)
Josef Klička (1889–1957)
Jaroslav Martínek (1900–?)
Jaroslav Štrombach (1896–1931)
The Trial of the Czech teachers
Jan Adamec (1873–1951)
Rudolf Albert (1883–?)
Josef Balaš (1894–1937)
Jiří Bezděk (1907–1968)
Jaroslav Bouček (1881–?)
Evženie Gottwaldová (1910–?)
Josef Heger (1894–?)
Vladimír Jakovlev (Jakoubek, Šíl) (1902–?)
Vladimír Jona (1890–?)
Mikuláš Kohout (1909–?)
Anton Knedlík (1899–?)
Jaroslav Kříž (1890–?)
Vladimír Martínek (1910–?)
Josef Michalský (1891–1970)
Václav Mucha (1906–?)
Josef Němeček (1909–1942)
Josef Novák (1882–?)
Vladimír Patrák (1907–?)
Antonín Pavlas (1895–1937)
Josef Pícha-Petrovský (1896–1937)
Václav Pišl (1901–?)
Václav Plašil (1895–?)
Viktor Plašil (1889–?)
Nikolaj Pohrebňak (1903–?)
Vladimir Radčuk (1905–?)
Emílie Stračevská (Čížková) (1903–1938)
Josef Tejkl (1908–1938)
Alexandr Vavřín (1893–1937)
Antonín Vodseďálek (1899–1943)
František Volf (1900–1938)
Pavel Volf (1890–1937)
Marie Volfová (1882–1933)
Antonín Zezula (1894–1931?)
The Great Terror
Executed in Ukraine
Josef Jandura (1903–1938)
Karel Křivský (1876–1938)
Vladimír Plaštica (1895–?)
František Průša (1891–?)
Alexej Simirenko (1899–1938) a Alla Turová (1902–1938)
František Tomečka (1906–1938)
Jaroslav Veselý (1897–?)
Executed in Moscow
Gertruda Arosevová (1909–1937)
Wilhelm Böhmer (1901–1937)
Jan Březina (1914–1938)
Alexandr Fiala (1892–1938)
Ludvík Gagler (1897–1938)
Eduard Gertner (1889–1938)
Józef Gibiec (1903–1938)
František Jančišin (1894–1938)
Richard Kaša (1895–1938)
Peter Krič (1902–1937)
Boris Kučera (1902–1938)
Nebojsa Marinkovič (1898–1938)
Josef Mašek (1894–1938)
Konstantin Mašek (1883–1938)
Václav Ort (1889–1938)
Hermann Paul (1889–1938)
Robert Percel (1897–1938)
František Petrle (1895–1938)
Viktor Polák (1896–1938)
Ferdinand Šimáček (1892–1938)
Karel Vašata (1888–1938)
Leopold Wolf (1889–1938)
World War II
Refugees from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Karel Egger (1909–1943)
Karel Goliath (1901–1985)
Gréta Koutná (1921–2013)
Vladimír Levora (1920–1999)
Egon Morgenstern (1914–2016)
František Polák (1889–1971)
Pravomil Raichl (1921–2002)
Robert Sylten (1902–80. léta)
Refugees from Carpathian Ruthenia
Jan Bačkovský (1919–2006)
Fedir Bobonič (1908-2010)
Ernest Breiner (1922–?)
Vasil Coka (1923–2015)
Ivan Čilipko (Čilipka) (1918-2012)
Jan Demčík (1913–2005)
Michal Demjan (1921–2019)
Pavel Derbal (1924–1960)
Vasil Derďuk (1922–2018)
Václav Djačuk (1920–2015)
Michal Fedorko (1921–2016)
Ivan Hadžega (1915–1997)
Vasil Hajdur (1919–2015)
Ivan Hladinec (1912– ?)
Jan Ihnatík (*1922)
Michal Izaj (1921–2013)
Michal Jackanič (1909–1942)
Pavel Jacko (1923–2014)
Michal Javorčák (1921–2017)
Michail Kampij (1919–2009)
Vasil Kolbasňuk (1921—2011)
Jiří Kopinec (1921—2014)
Michal Lar (1920-?)
Ivan Lavrišin (1925–1998)
Štěpán Luťanský (1916–1997)
Ivan Mohorita (1921-2015)
Jiří Plakoš (1920–2010)
Jan Plovajko (1922–2020)
Ivan Solovka (1923-2018)
Vasil Špir (1922)
Karel Vaš (1916–2012)
Michal Vološin (1922–1943)
Jewish refugees from Carpathian Ruthenia
Israel Abrahamovič (1911–1941)
Michal Abramovič (1906–?)
Aron Ackermann (1918–?)
Ella Adlerová (1918–?)
Solomon Berkovič (1916–?)
Šándor Berkovič (1916–?)
Mojžíš Bresler (1913–?)
Chaskel Brückel (1905–?)
Zelik (Selig) Cimlichman (Ziemlichmann) (1908–?)
Semen Davidovič (1914–?)
Mikuláš Faerber (1916–?)
Samuel Friedmann (1913–?)
Ondřej Grossmann (1912–1941)
Martin Halper (1915–?)
Andrej Hančín (1921–?)
Jakob Icik (1916–1942)
Josef-Herman Kahan (1917–?)
Mojžíš Koppel (1916–?)
Natan Landau (1916–?)
Jakub Nejmet (1919–?)
Lea Moškovič (1922-?)
Herman Perl (1916–1943)
Bernath Rosner (1910–?)
Josef Stein (1918–?)
Aron Šimšovič (Simsovits) (1918–?)
Mikuláš Végh (1920-1942)
Ernest Vider (1922–?)
Evžen Waldmann (1913–?)
Zolo Ziegerman (1915–?)
Jews from transports to Nisko
Siegfried Adler (1893–?)
Julius Berg (1893–?)
Arnošt Bleiweiss (1914-1943)
Emil Blum (1883-1942)
Robert Feiner (1893–?)
Efrojim Fisch (1884–?)
Kurt Fischl (1901–1941)
Moritz Friedner (1896–?)
Erich Gessler (1897–1942)
Emanuel Goldberger (1900–?)
Heinrich Goldfinger (1890–?)
Jakub Goldfinger (1898–?)
Bruno Gross (1895–?)
Josef Haber (1913–1943)
Rudolf Hahn (1890–?)
Siegfried (Vítězslav) Haller (1891–?)
Kurt Hermann (1913–?)
Leo Hermann (1901–?)
Adolf Huppert (1905–?)
Ferdinand Huppert (1913–1981)
Heinrich (Jindřich) Hutterer (1881–?)
Oskar Kulka (1892–1940)
Ervín (Erwin) Langer (1900–?)
Arpád Laufer (1888–?)
Otto Laufer (1898–?)
Hanuš (Hans) Löwenthal (1907–?)
Artur Löwy (1898–?)
Walter Morgenstern (1905–1942)
Otto Nesselroth (1909–?)
Eugen (Evžen) Neubauer (1915–?)
Herman (Heřman) Pick (1910–?)
Maxmilian Pollak (1898–?)
Ervin Reik (1904–?)
Kamil Richter (1899–?)
Adolf Rosenštok (Rosenschtok) (1923–?)
Kurt Rosenzweig (1923–?)
Leo Roth (1899–1975)
Ludwig Seelenfreund (1884–?)
Zikmund Scharf (1879–?)
Emanuel Schein (1888–?)
Leon Soldinger (1908–?)
Moritz Teichner (1883–1942)
Adolf Wechsberg (1890–?)
Hans (Hanuš) Weisl (1905–?)
Izak (Ignatz) Wied (1879–?)
Účastníci bitvy u Sokolova
Michal Brjanik (Branik) (1912–1948)
Dimitrij Fales (1907–1944)
Mikuláš Hincák (1916–1996)
Maxmilián Jassy (1912–?)
Julius Kahan (1910–1943)
Josef König (1914–1943)
Michal Potočný (1899–?)
Aron Salamon (1913–?)
Adolf Sonnenschein – Sonek (1911–2008)
Daniel Zieg (1910–1992)
Padli v bojích o Kyjev
Vasil Dudura (1920-1943)
Ivan Durda (1921-1943)
Ambroš Kepša (1919-1943)
Ivan Kotej (1921-1943)
Juraj Maljuk (1923-1943)
Michal Olenič (1914-1943)
Vasil Pičkar (1911-1943)
Vasil Plovajko (1917-1943)
Andrej Pojda (1916-1943)
Fedor Ponzel (1918-1943)
Michal Sabadoš (1914-1943)
Nikolaj Žulkanič (1913-1943)
Post-war terror | Abductions from Czechoslovakia
Konstantin Belgovský (1895–1945)
Jozef Bobalík (1928)
Bohumil Borecký (1891–1954)
Nikolaj Bystrov (1899–1967)
Pavel Cibere (1914–1972)
Konstantin Čcheidze (1897–1974)
Mykola Galagan (1882–1953?)
Štěpán Kločurak (1895–1980)
Evžen Lieberman (*1922)
Sergej Maslov (1887–1945?)
Hryhorij Omelčenko (1884–1947)
Andrej Patrus (1917–1980)
Jakub (Jakov) Podgornyj (1877–1945)
Sergej Postnikov (1883–1965)
Vladimir Rafalský (1886–1945)
Blanka Rubinová (1918–?)
Maxim Slavinský (1868–1945)
Boris Suchoručko-Choslovský (1893–1979)
Sergej Vojcechovský (1883–1951)
Petr Zlenko (1891–1954)
Pavel Zoc (1900–1983)